Haskell vs Rust

October 20, 2021

Haskell vs Rust: An Unbiased Comparison

Programming languages evolve and change every day. Haskell and Rust are two programming languages that have gained popularity over time. Developers usually pick one language over another, depending on the project's requirements or personal preference.

In this post, we will provide a thorough comparison between Haskell and Rust, covering speed, security, community, and learning curve. This comparison will further help developers choose the best language to use for various projects.


Speed is a crucial aspect of programming languages, and the performance of the language can determine the project's success. Haskell has a fast runtime performance and can compete with other popular languages like C++. Haskell's run-time speed is fast enough, and it is primarily because the compiler has a built-in automatic optimizer.

On the other hand, Rust is known for its memory safety and high-performance abilities. Rust is as fast or faster than C++, with the added benefit of being memory-safe. The performance is because Rust leverages the LLVM compiler, which leads to efficient and optimized machine code.

When we compare these two programming languages' performance, Rust is generally faster than Haskell. Rust is an excellent choice for projects that require fast execution and are performance-critical.


Security is a critical aspect of every project. Haskell uses a type system that ensures that type errors that can lead to bugs, crashes, or security vulnerabilities are caught early. Haskell code is less prone to security vulnerabilities like buffer overflows, pointer errors, and null pointer dereferences.

Rust's ownership model is unique and ensures that the memory is managed in a safe and correct way. Rust checks the program during compilation and guarantees that there are no null pointers, buffer overflows or races. When it comes to security, both Haskell and Rust are secure and have fewer chances of making security-related mistakes.


The community for a programming language is essential. It determines the project's successful adoption, the availability of libraries and tools, and information sharing channels.

Haskell has a niche and active community, and it is growing every day. The community is small, but Haskell developers are passionate about the language and continue to support it. The community shares libraries, tools, and best practices to help Haskell developers solve common problems.

Rust has a large and active community. Ranging from experienced developers to beginners, the Rust community is welcoming and supportive. Several tools and libraries are available in Rust, many of which are contributed by the community members. The community is known for its documentation quality and helpfulness.

Learning Curve

Haskell has a steep learning curve, primarily because it has a unique syntax and the functional programming paradigm. Haskell requires a developer to rethink their programming skills to solve problems in a functional way.

Rust has a shallow learning curve compared to Haskell. Rust's syntax is similar to C++, and developers who are experienced with C++ can easily work with Rust. Rust requires memory management expertise and a better understanding of the ownership concept to take full advantage of its features.


In conclusion, both Haskell and Rust are excellent programming languages with excellent features. Haskell is known for its ease of use, expressiveness, and supporting functional programming concepts. Rust, on the other hand, is known for its memory safety, performance, and beginner-friendliness.

Choosing between Haskell and Rust primarily depends on the project requirements, technical skills, and experience. Developers who require ease of use, expressiveness, and functional programming should go for Haskell. Rust is an excellent choice for projects that require high performance, memory safety, and easy-to-learn features.


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